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Wednesday, September 5, 2018

What is Diamond Problem in C#

In this blog, we will learn what is Diamond problem in c# and We will learn Diamond problem in c# with a simple example.

Diamond Problem in C#


Why c# does not supports multiple inheritances?

One of the main reason behind this is the “diamond problem.

What is the Diamond Problem:

The "diamond problem" is an ambiguity that arises when two classes B and C inherit from A, and class D inherits from both B and C. If there is a method in A that B and C have overridden, and D does not override it, then which class of the method does D inherit: that of B, or that of C? So this is an ambiguity problem in multiple inheritances in c#. So that c# does not support multiple inheritances. It also called an ambiguity problem in c#.

diamond problem in c#

Example 1: 

This is a simple example to understand the concepts of the diamond problem in c#.

First of all, we will check when does the diamond problem will arise with programmatically.
We will be creating class A, class B, class C, class D having Print() method in the base class. The class B and C inherits from class A. and class D inherit from class B and Class C as follow.

using System;

namespace CSharpConsoleApp.DiamondProblemExample
   public class A
        public virtual void Print()
            Console.WriteLine("Print method of class A.");

    public class BA
        public override void Print()
            Console.WriteLine("Print method of class B");

    public class CA
        public override void Print()
            Console.WriteLine("Print method of class C");

    // Error: D class can not have multiple base classes.
    public class DC, B

    class DiamondProblemExample
        static void Main(string[] args)
            D obj = new D();

How can we resolve the diamond problem in c#?

We can resolve the diamond problem by using Interface in c#.

Example 2:
using System;

namespace CSharpConsoleApp.DiamondProblemExample
    interface IA
        void PrintIA();
    interface IB
        void PrintIB();
    interface IC
        void PrintIC();
   public class A : IA
        public void PrintIA()
            Console.WriteLine("PrintIA method from class A.");

    public class B:IB
        public void PrintIB()
            Console.WriteLine("PrintIB method from class B.");

    public class C:IC
        public void PrintIC()
            Console.WriteLine("PrintIC method from class C.");
    public class D: IA, IB,IC
        public void PrintIA()
            Console.WriteLine("PrintIA method from class D.");
        public void PrintIB()
            Console.WriteLine("PrintIB method from class D.");

        public void PrintIC()
            Console.WriteLine("PrintIC method from class D.");

    class DiamondProblemExample
        static void Main(string[] args)
            D obj = new D();


Diamond Problem in C#

Real Time Diamond Problem in C# Example: 

diamond problem in c#

Real Time Diamond Problem in C# Solution: 

diamond problem in c#

A real-time example of resolving a diamond problem by using Interface in c#. 

using System;

namespace CSharpConApp.DiamondProblem1
    interface IMother
        void Loan();
    interface IFather
        void Loan();
    public class Mother:IMother
        public void Loan()
            Console.WriteLine("Loan taken by mother.");
    public class Father:IFather
        public void Loan()
            Console.WriteLine("Loan taken by father");
    public class Child:IMother,IFather
        void IMother.Loan()
            Console.WriteLine("Mother's loan paid by child");

        void IFather.Loan()
            Console.WriteLine("Father's loan paid by child");

   public class DiamondProblem1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Child child = new Child();


Diamond Problem in C#

To understand the concepts of Implicit and Explicit interface visit the following link.

I hope you understood the concept of the diamond problem in C#.


  1. Hi,

    The direction of the arrows in either "two classes B and C inherit from A" or "D inherits from both B and C" is switched they should in both cases either start from parent and go to the child or the opposite, depending on the pattern you choose for the pictures (as it does not seem like an UML diagram).



    1. Thanks Paulo, The given diagram is correct in that case because first i am trying to explain when the diamond problem is occurred. the "D inherits from both B and C" if we are trying to inherits both the same time then it does not allow and That is the diamond problem diagram...... Thanks for suggestion.
      Please let me know in case of any concerns.


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