1. constant:
- It is used to store the constant value.
- It is compiled time constant.
- We can not modify/change the constant value.
- The Constant variable can by access by using the class name.
- We must assign the value to the constant variable at the declaration time.
- We can not provide the static keyword to the constant variable.
- We can not access the constant variable by using object of the class.
2. Readonly keyword:
- It is used to store the constant value.
- It is run time constant.
- We can modify/change the readonly variable value in the constructor of the class.
- The readonly variable can be accessed by using object of the class or class name.
- we can provide the static keyword to the readonly variable.
- We can access the readonly variable by using object of the class or class name.
using System;
namespace CSharpProject
class Program
public const string strConnection = "Test Connection";
//public static readonly double Pi = 3.1; // we can define static keyword to the readonly variables
public readonly double Pi = 3.1;
public Program()
Pi = 3.14;
static void Main(string[] args)
Program pro = new Program();
Console.WriteLine(pro.Pi); // Calling not static readonly variable by using object of class.
// Console.WriteLine(Program.Pi);// calling static readonly keyword by using class name.
More Details watch the following video on the same:
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